04/01/2018 - 05/01/2018

Android developers know that dex compilation is a key step in building an APK. This is the process of transforming .class bytecode into .dex bytecode for the Android Runtime (or Dalvik, for older versions of Android). The dex compiler mostly works under the hood in your day-to-day app development, but it directly impacts your app's build time, .dex file size, and runtime performance. 

That's why we are investing in making important improvements in the dex compiler. We're excited to announce that the next-generation dex compiler, D8, is now available for preview as part of Android Studio 3.0 Beta release

When comparing with the current DX compiler, D8 compiles faster and outputs smaller .dex files, while having the same or better app runtime performance. 

* Tested with benchmark project here

*Tested with benchmark project here

How to try it?

D8 is available for your preview starting with Android Studio 3.0 Beta. To try it, set the following in your project's gradle.properties file: android.enableD8=true

We have tested D8's correctness and performance on a number of apps, and the results are encouraging. We're confident enough with the results that we are switching to use D8 as the default dex compiler for building AOSP. Please give D8 a try and we would love to hear your feedback. You can file a bug report using this link.

What's next?

We plan to preview D8 over the next several months with the Android Studio 3.0 release. During this time, we will focus on addressing any critical bug reports we receive from the community. We plan to bring D8 out of preview and enable it as the default dex compiler in Android Studio 3.1. At that time, the DX compiler will officially be put in maintenance mode. Only critical issues with DX will be fixed moving forward. 

Beyond D8, we are also working on R8, which is a Proguard replacement for whole program minification and optimization. While the R8 project has already been open sourced, it has not yet been integrated with the Android Gradle plugin. We will provide more details about R8 in the near future when we are ready to preview it with the community.

Tool developers: get your bytecode tools Java 8 ready

In April, we announced Java 8 language features with desugaring. The desugaring step currently happens immediately after Java compilation (javac) and before any bytecode reading or rewriting tools are run. Over the next couple of months, the desugar step will move to a later stage in the pipeline, as part of D8. This will allow us to further reduce the overall build time and produce more optimized code. This change means that any bytecode reading or rewriting tools will run before the desugar step. If you develop .class bytecode reading or rewriting tools for Android, you will need to make sure they can handle the Java 8 bytecode format so they can continue to work properly when we move desugaring into D8.

Posted by James Lau, Product Manager | Android Developers

D8 now default dex compiler

Faster, smarter app compilation is always a goal for the Android tools teams. That's why we previously announced D8, a next-generation dex compiler. D8 runs faster and produces smaller .dex files with equivalent or better runtime performance when compared to the historic compiler - DX. We recently announced that D8 has become the default compiler in Android Studio 3.1. If you haven't previously tried D8, we hope that you notice better, faster dex compilation as you make the switch.

D8 was first shipped in Android Studio 3.0 as an opt-in feature. In addition to our own rigorous testing, we've now seen it perform well in a wide variety of apps. As a result, we're confident that D8 will work well for everyone who starts using it in 3.1. However, if you do have issues, you can always revert to DX for now via this setting in your project's gradle.properties file: android.enableD8=false

Next Steps
Our goal is to ensure that everyone has access to a fast, correct dex compiler. So to avoid risking regressions for any of our users, we'll be deprecating DX in three phases

The first phase is intended to prevent prematurely deprecating DX. During this phase, DX will remain available in studio. We'll fix critical issues in it, but there won't be new features. This phase will last for at least six months, during which we'll evaluate any open D8 bugs to decide if there are regressions which would prevent some users from replacing DX with D8. The first phase won't end until the team addresses all migration blockers. We'll be paying extra attention to the bug tracker during this window, so If you encounter any of these regressions, please file an issue

Once we've seen a six month window without major regressions from DX to D8, we'll enter the second phase. This phase will last for a year, and is intended to ensure that even complex projects have lots of time to migrate. During this phase, we'll keep DX available, but we'll treat it as fully deprecated; we won't be fixing any issues. During the third and final phase, DX will be removed from Android Studio. At this point, you'll need to use a legacy version of the Android Gradle Plugin in order to continue to build with DX. 

Posted by Jeffrey van Gogh, Software Engineering Manager | Android Developers

Berinvestasi bukan permainan. Bukan untuk yang lemah hati. Pasar saham bergerak naik turun. Seseorang tidak bisa hanya memprediksi pasar. Tidak mungkin memprediksi pergerakannya. Makanya tidak bisa waktu itu naik turun. Seseorang bisa membangun portofolio yang solid agar bisa sukses. Sedikit pertimbangan yang perlu diingat.

Berinvestasi dengan tujuan yang ada – Sebagaimana dibahas di salah satu tujuan, tujuan investasi harus selalu diingat. Bahkan sebelum memulai dengan investasi. Kita harus tahu berapa biaya untuk mencapai tujuan itu. Tujuan menunjukkan jalan menuju investasi. Selalu mengoreksinya saat berinvestasi sedang berjalan. Yogi Berra, seorang filsuf bisbol bijak menyimpulkan “Jika Anda tidak tahu tujuan Anda, Anda akan sering melewatkannya setiap saat.”

Situasi dan risiko Anda sekarang dapat Anda ambil – Bagaimana posisi keuangan hari ini? Berapa banyak yang telah diperoleh dan berapa banyak yang telah disimpan sampai tanggal. Di masa depan apa yang akan menjadi kebutuhan. Berapa banyak penghasilan yang harus ada sehingga bisa menghemat jumlah yang cukup untuk memenuhi tujuan yang diinginkan. Jika penghematan tidak mencukupi maka penghematan itu harus disalurkan untuk investasi. Maka jumlahnya akan meningkat dalam kurun waktu yang lebih singkat. Saat investasi masuk ke dalam gambar topik risiko muncul. Semua investasi membawa risiko. Tingkatnya mungkin berbeda dari jenis investasi. Satu ekstrem adalah pengambil risiko tinggi dan ekstrem lain adalah penghindaran risiko. Hal ini tergantung pada sifat individu dan keadaan.

Dengan risiko datang pahala. Resiko tinggi, penghargaan tinggi. Resiko rendah, penghargaan rendah. Biasanya, individu mengambil jalan tengah. Medium risk dan medium rewards. Seseorang dapat mengambil bantuan dari penyedia tip terbaik untuk memudahkan situasi. Tujuan – Harus ada tujuan atau tujuan pasti untuk investasi. Seharusnya seseorang seperti liburan di luar negeri atau membeli rumah atau perkawinan atau pendidikan atau pensiun atau apapun. Begitu tujuan atau tujuan ditetapkan, selanjutnya adalah mengatur waktu untuk mencapainya. Bisa seminggu atau satu bulan atau satu atau dua tahun lagi.

Contoh, pergi untuk perjalanan liburan ke Eropa musim panas mendatang. Disini tujuannya adalah perjalanan liburan. Durasi waktu adalah 2 tahun. Apa yang ingin Anda lakukan dan kapan. Dapatkan tip masa depan yang bagus, uji coba gratis dua hari. Kualitas, bukan kuantitas – Untuk jangka panjang, itu adalah kualitas yang bertahan, bukan kuantitas. Apapun komponen portofolio Anda, lihatlah kualitasnya. Karena kepemilikan seseorang sangat penting. Diversifikasi investasi – Portofolio tidak boleh disiapkan dengan cara yang serampangan. Ini harus disiapkan dengan perencanaan yang tepat. Ini harus disiapkan setelah mempertimbangkan fundamental dan teknis dari sekuritas.

Portofolio harus beragam antar sektor (TI, bank), industri tutupan (kecil, menengah, besar), obligasi, deposito tetap, dana provident, logam mulia dan batu (emas, berlian), MF, real estat, wilayah geografis, tip komoditas dll. Disini resiko toleransi investor juga harus diperhitungkan. Investasi tertentu berisiko dalam jangka pendek namun tidak berisiko dalam jangka panjang. Ada banyak perusahaan penasehat pasar saham yang bisa menghitung risiko yang terkait. Dalam saham, seseorang harus mencari arus kas, produk, keuntungan, sejarah dividen, manajemen, tempat di antara perusahaan sejenis, dan lain-lain perusahaan.

Pangsa pasar saat ini mungkin mahal atau murah, yang bergantung pada lingkungan, permintaan dan penawaran politik saat ini, dll. Beli hanya saham berkualitas ‘A’. Mudassir Hasan adalah penggemar keuangan dan suka berbagi pengetahuan tentang pasar keuangan India. Ia juga menyediakan tips komoditas, tips berbagi pasar dan tip bagus.

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