03/01/2018 - 04/01/2018

If you have learnt the history, function, and the definition of insurance, then you must have got an idea of insurance and insurance companies. Insurance companies run their business by selling promises to a client in order to transfer part or entirely the risk that he would face in the future.

Definition of Risk in Insurance
Risk is a danger or as a result or consequence that may occur because of a process of ongoing or future events. In the field of insurance, risk is an uncertainty that will always be faced by humanity in the whole activities in their life, whether it is personal activities or business activities. At least, in, there are four types of classification of risks. The risks are classified differently. All of these risks can be explained as follows;
  • Pure Risk is one of the risks that lead to two possibilities. First, if this risk occurs, it will cause loss. Second, if the risk does not occur, it will not pose any loss or gain (no loss, no gain). For example; fires, accidents etc.
  • Speculative Risk is the risk resulting from betting luck. If this happens then the risk will lead to three possibilities. First, it would give rise to a profit. Second, it will cause loss. Third, do not cause any loss or benefit (Gain, loss or no loss, no gain). For example; gambling, invest a stock, etc.
  • Particular Risk is a risk that if it happens, both the cause and consequence only cause a personal effect and do not include losses in quantity and quality. For example; housebreaking, robbing, unemployment, etc.
  • Fundamental Risk is a risk that happens because of one particular party such as government policies, natural disasters, and led to a very wide impact.
Hopefully, you have understood the meaning of risk in insurance so you will understand more about how the insurance companies define a risk. This definition is crucial since you can also say that “risk” is the object of “selling” by insurance company.

Business kos-kosan currently has become the attraction. For those of you who live in large cities and has ample land, should take advantage of this for the effort kos-kosan. Telebih if it is the lowliest Office or College, will certainly enhance the additional income for your needs. Interesting isn't it? 

Though later you will get results that don't manage kos-kosan a little, but also not easy. You have to have some tricks in order to be successful in running it. Utilizing the land for long term kos-kosan can be utilized so as to help boost the economy of the household. You are also interested in kos-kosan want to manage, you should note the following. 

Some of the things that must be done before starting a business kos-kosan
1. Capital
Decided to manage the kos-kosan certainly requires no small capital. But it would be much easier if you already own the land. You only think about the cost of bangunannnya. To make it more efficient, we recommend that you create multiple rooms in advance, such as 4 or 6. If it goes well, it later could add to the number of rooms and any earnings are growing. 

2. Determine the location
People will usually be more interested choose a strategic place boarders. In a sense, they tend to choose a campus close to kos or workplace. That way, they will be more efficient because only a walk to get to the intended place. The location is absolutely essential in order for kos you manage always entice prospective residents. 

3. Facility 
In making the kos-kosan, you should also pay attention to what facilities will be obtained. 
Boarding facilities will make the residents at home. That way you'll have a regular income of residents who have been comfortable. In order to be more frugal spending, should provide the facilities are simple and make Children feel welcome boarders. 

4. Determine the price 
Build kos-kosan is indeed to be reckoned with in detail. This is to make it easy for you to know how much of its expenditure. Included in determining the price. From the beginning decided to make kos, you should be able to guess what price per month are counted with facilities obtained. 

5. Ensure the security and comfort of Kos 
Kos certainly security is becoming a very important factor in managing kos-kosan. Pasalanya, the residents of kos will feel freely while traveling if kosnya is secure. To improve the quality of kemananan, you can install the CCTV. This will make the Child more comfortable kos and increase your income in a business start-up kos-kosan.

Ada beberapa hal yang harus diperhatikan apabila leptop terjadi kerusakan pada batray, diantaranya : Rusak pada fisik batray dan Rusak pada Software batray. hal ini dapat diatasi dengan beberapa cara tetapi tidak menjamin bahwa batray 100% kembali seperti sedia kala.
  • Rusak Pada Fisik 
Banyak hal yang dapat menyebabkan rusak fisik pada batray diantaranya : Jatuh, Tercelup Air, Overheat, atau terhimpit pada benda keras. Kerusakan batray yang disebabkan pada fisik dapat diperbaiki dengan beberapa cara tetapi tidak menjamin batray akan kembali seperti sedia kala, caranya :
  1. Bungkus batray dengan plastik bening dengan serapat-rapatnya.
  2.  Masukkan batray ke dalam kulkas pada bagian yang paling dingin.
  3.  Diamkan kurang lebih 1x24 jam.
  4. Setelah itu, Keluarkan kembali batray dan buka bungkus plastik.
  5. Diamkan batray sampai kering dengan bantuan kipas angin (Jangan dijemur).
  6. Bila batray telah benar-benar kering baru kembali memasukkannya kedalam leptop.
  7. Jika Icon Batray didalam leptop melakukan charging berarti batray telah kembali normal.
  8. Tertapi apabila icon batray tidak melakukan charging atau tidak terdeteksi, kemungkinan batray telah mengalami kerusakan parah, Maka batray harus diganti dengan yang baru.
Itu beberapa cara untuk melakukan perbaikan yang batray yang terkena kerusakan pada Fisik. 
  • Rusak Pada Software
Biasanya terjadi kerusakan pada software sistem batray disebabkan oleh ketidak sengajaan oleh user sendiri yang sering mengotak-atik system windowsnya bahkan mengubah setingan BIOS, itu semua dapat terjadi, beberapa cara memperbaikinya :   
Cara Pertama :
  1. Pertama anda klik kanan pada logo "My Computer" dan klik "Manage".
  2. Setelah itu anda bisa klik "Device Manager".
  3. Disana terdapat tulisan "Batteries" klik itu hingga cabangnya muncul.
  4. Lalu klik kanan pada "Microsoft ACPI-Compliant Control Method Battery" dan klik "Uninstall". 
  5. Setelah itu restart komputer.
Cara Kedua :
  1. Nyalahkan Laptop dan saat booting startup (baru menyalah) masuklah ke BIOS dengan mengklik "F10/F1/F2/DEL" (sesuai komputer masing-masing).
  2. Jika sudah masuk dalam BIOS, anda cari "Load Default Setting" atau sejenisnya untuk mengembalikan ke settingan default bios.
  3. Setelah itu anda bisa "Save anda Exit pada BIOS".
Cara Ketiga :
Cobalah bateray yang anda miliki ke laptop yang lain yang sejenis, jika baterai anda bisa menyalah di laptop orang lain maka kerusakan ada di software, namun bila hasilnya tidak nyala juga maka anda harus membeli baterai yang baru.

Terimkaasih, Semoga Info ini Bermanfaat.

Regedit (Registry Windows) adalah pusat database untuk pengaturan konfigurasi aplikasi dan informasi lainnya yang diperlukan oleh aplikasi. Dan semua pengaturan tersebut diatur dalam bentuk key. Di dalam registry kita bisa melakukan tiga hal yaitu: membaca, menulis dan menghapus. Kita dapat menjalankan registry dengan cara menuliskan regedit pada klik start lalu run.

Biasanya, virus worm, trojan, dan sebagainya, memanipulasikan setingan-setingan yang berada di regedit ini. Virus akan merubah settingan default menjadi settingan kacau yang dibuat oleh virus tersebut. Karena itu untuk kali ini saya akan sharing bagaimana caranya.untuk mengembalikan kembali settingan regedit yang sudah dirubah oleh virus kembali ke default.

Sebelum melakukan default regedit scan dulu komputer menggunakan antivirus, untuk memastikan bahwa kompuer tidak lagi terkena oleh virus. Sebab jika masih ada, virus akan mengotak-atikan kembali regedit yang telah dikembalikan ke default.

Ini caranya bagainama mengembalikan Regedit ke Default :
  1. Buka aplikasi notepad
  2. Tuliskan script dibawah ini ke dalam notepad

  3. Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject(”WScript.Shell”)
    With WScript.CreateObject(”WScript.Shell”)
    On Error Resume Next
    .RegDelete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableRegistryTools”
    .RegDelete “HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\DisableCMD”
    .RegDelete “HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System\DisableTaskMgr”
    .RegDelete “HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\system\DisableTaskMgr”
    End With
    Mybox = MsgBox(jobfunc & enab & vbCR & “Restorasi_Berhasil!”, 4096, t)

  4. Simpan atau save dengan extensi .vbs
  5. Jalankan file tersebut, jika sudah selesai maka akan muncul perintah Restorsi Berhasil.
  6. Jika sudah berhasil, Restart komputer
  7. Regedit telah kembali seperti sediakala.

Kali ini share bagaimana cara membuat contact us di blogger, contact us merupakan elemen yang penting dalam suatu blog ataupun website dimana fungsinya bisa sangat banyak tergantung bagaimana cara kita mengelola website atau blog. Contac us merupakan alat penghubung dengan dunia luar, sehingga bisa saling terkoneksi dengan jalan komunikasi yang mudah lewat internet online.

Ini caranya membuatbuat contact us via email dengan html, cara nya cukup mudah dan praktis, kita tinggal memanfaatkan halaman statis pada blogger dengan menerapkan mode HTML.

Berikut cara membuat contact us di Blogger :
  1. Masuk ke akun blogger
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Selanjutnya ganti code "6773944261335126588" dengan no id blogger sobat, serta ganti alamat blog "hakimbabels.blogspot.com" dengan url blog sobat.
Cara mengetahui no id blog sobat bisa dilihat ketika membuka akun blog di blogger, contohnya seperti gambar dibawah ini:

Pesan hasil contac us yang dikirimkan langsung terkirim ke alamat email akun blogger. Bisa di cek lewat gmail, biasanya pesan yang masuk dari contact us akan masuk pada inbox bagian social, seperti gambar dibawah.


Terimakasih salam Blogger, semoga Trik ini bermanfaat.

The Internet has made this globe an open enterprise. It has turn out to be important for companies to further expand their marketplace and their consumer targets. Engaging to Internet Marketing and advertising maybe a risk for people who wish to be involved with this type of business, company, enterprise or organization. Ensure that most of your target consumers will certainly obtain your product. Consider Contemplate the best goods which will certainly capture their interests and needs. This implies that you want to determine particularly who these individuals are, their location and financial level in the society.
Have a marketing and advertising knowledge and skill to achieve your objective in the field of Internet marketing and advertising. At the present, you can use varied Internet Marketing and advertising Options that is being offered by companies which can be your tool for support to your consumers. This solution maybe e-mail marketing and advertising, search engine optimization or creating web pages or sites. Given that you need to maximize your return profit, you need to choose Internet Marketing and advertising Solutions that will help you achieve this.
These marketing and advertising and marketing techniques will not cost much because they are very self-explanatory, thus, learned simply. Email marketing is a common Internet advertising Solution. This is a cost effective way of communicating and interacting to your consumers, driving them to visit your website and check out your products. It may be in a way of marketing and advertising articles, leading them to forums or newsletters. A newsletter has an advantage of expanding your consumers as far more and more sign up on it until you can have a bulk list of emails. Another great Internet marketing and advertising solution is through websites.
This is a good promotion strategy to employ since you can display all the necessary information for your target consumers. The website should capture their interest and be complete since every transaction, from inquiry to payments may take place. All correspondence that will be done online must be well-facilitated by the features of your website. Another Internet marketing and advertising solution is search engine optimization. This is a type of service for your website that you can make use of in order to raise the number of visitors to your site. Once a consumer uses a search engine, your website will rank high in the list of searches which in return will increase your site’s traffic. Considering these Internet Marketing and advertising Solution, there are different companies offering am|computer software products containing one or all of these options. It would be a great opportunity attemptone particular of these which will match your financial capability and expected

Many people say that Bitcoin is the future money. This cryptocurrency has become the most popular news in the world of business online. The concept of Bitcoin itself is rather complicated but many people have learnt how did Bitcoin work. Therefore, for you who are still new about Bitcoin, you have to know some basics related to Bitcoin.
  1. What are Bitcoins?
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency and it is used as worldwide payment system. Bitcoin is the first virtual banking currency in internet. It is also the first decentralized digital currency, as system works without a central bank or administrator. The transactions are recorded and verified by network nodes by using cryptography system. All the transactions happened will be visible for all users because the transactions will be written permanently in a distributed ledger called blockchain. Shortly, Bitcoin can also be defined as digital money.
  1. Are Bitcoins anonymous and untraceable?
They aren’t. Bitcoin users don’t have to divulge certain pieces of identifiying information, like bank account. A traceable trail of transaction using Bitcoin is verified in a public log known as blockchain.
  1. How are Bitcoins purchased?
Bitcoins are mainly bought online using real money like U.S. dollars via Bitcoin exchanges and private sellers. The popular Bitcoin exchanges include Bitstamp and Coinbase.
  1. How can you start using Bitcoins?
The first thing is you need to install Bitcoin Wallet on your computer or smartphone. After installing, you need to sign up and once you’ve done it, your Wallet provider will generate your first Bitcoin address and you can create more whenever you need it. You can share your address with friends so that you can do transaction with them.
  1. Which companies accept Bitcoin payment?
Thousands of business in the world currently accept Bitcoin as a form of payment. The examples are Etsy vendors, WordPress, and Amazon.com.
  1. What are Bitcoins currently worth?
Bitcoins are relatively new but they are growing in instant. A Bitcoin is worth approximately $7 billion at current market rates, with millions of dollars of the digital currency being traded every day.

That is all the basics you need to know as beginners. Basics are very important in learning something to reach to the top. By knowing this information, I am sure you will be the greatest Bitcoin trader.


A Growing Number of people these days are turning into a of their very popular businesses around – the business enterprise of online affiliate marketing .  In this business, you will find no bosses, deadlines to meet, or piles of work that have to be finished by| the end of your day.  In Order to succeed, you only need the necessary tools.
There are basically five items you can’t do without If you want to make it in the business of affiliate  marketing.  Below, you’ll find each quality you’ll need.

1.  Desire to learn
The very first quality you must possess is the desire to learn, coupled with the willingness to be trained.  Treading through unfamiliar territor Is tough indeed, especially if your lacking the right knowledge. This is a combination of the right frame of mind, coupled with a strong work ethic.
When starting out, you’ll need to be willing to keep your eyes and ears open, using the experience of others to know more as you go.

2.  Invest time and effort
The 2nd quality you must possess is the willingness to commit time and effort in helping your business grow, even in the event that you don’t see immediate results.  Even though weeks may pass without hearing good news. It’s very important for anyone who wants to get their foot in the business world.

3.  Determination
The 3rd quality you’ll need is determination.  If you want to allow it to be at the world of affiliate Marketing, you must| possess to push yourself  forward.  The ability to push yourself to greater what type of future you have.

4.  Discipline

The fourth quality is self discipline.  If you  teach yourself to work everyday with all of your heart and soul, you’ll be that much closer to  reaching your goals and making your dreams come true.

5.  Optimism
The last quality you must have is optimism.  Bad attitudes should never discourage an affiliate marketer from pursuing their dreams in order to make life better for themselves or anyone around them.
The attitude you have towards the business ought toAlways be good, as you’ll need to realize that You’re the captain of your ship and your the one steering it towards destiny.
If you put the above tips to good use,  you’ll proceed apart from you ever thought possible in the world of affiliate marketing.  You’ll need these qualities to succeed, as affiliatemarketing can be sometimes a cutting edge career.  With all the above qualities, you’ll doJust nice in the business.

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